A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse November 3, 2018 The Eyes of Jesus Scripture Reading – John 4:23 - 24"But the time is coming - indeed it's here now - when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."

I am certain that it pained the disciples when they were told by Jesus that they would go through Samaria, because of the history between Jews and Samaritans, most Jews would avoid doing so at all costs.

It also certainly puzzled the disciples that Jesus their Rabbi, would be talking to a woman by the well as they came back with food. So confused were each one of them that not even one of them dared to ask what Jesus was doing.

It even caused the woman to ponder, why this man would speak to her. No other women in the community seemed to want to go and get water with her, and I am certain they kept a close watch on their husbands around her, as she had gone through five husbands and was now shacked up with another.

And yet, Jesus did speak with her, and this discussion and invitation to drink living water not only changed her life, but changed the community, as Jesus stayed in the village because of the woman's testimony for two days and many more came to know Jesus.

Most interesting to me that perhaps the most intimate teaching that we find in the New Testament is given to someone that many of us would have avoided, and if any of us did take time to talk with her, how the brethren would speak about it, though not to us.

Yet, Jesus had no problem speaking to her, because he looks at everyone exactly the same, in need of healing and salvation, and He indeed is the only way. That's why I suppose He even called fishermen and even a tax collector to be in the group of 12. Sat down and ate with sinners then and now. That's why I suppose that He saved a wretch like me....and yes....you too.

May we have the grace to look at people, all people with, 'The Eyes of Jesus', and extend the same invitation to life. For when we do, entire communities will be changed for the glory of God our Father. 

Prayer Heavenly Father I thank-You for the eyes of Jesus that called me. Help me to see people like You do, and extend Your love for the glory of Jesus I pray. 

Memory Verse: Exodus 33:11a "Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend."