A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse July 4, 2018 The Treasure of the Tongue Scripture Reading – James 3:3 - 5 (NLT)"We can make a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth. And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong. In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire." 

I remember as a child around 8 or 9 being taken to a stable to have a ride on a pony that was being led around a small corral. The person leading the little pony by the reigns did not have a tight enough grasp, and that little pony broke free, making a beeline for a friend over in the next corral to my horror, as I jumped off. Still to this day I am not comfortable riding a horse. For if the bit is not under control, so can the animal be, and as such it may not go where it was intended, perhaps doing damage along the way.

The small rudder on a great ship is another marvel even in strong winds and waves of how a proper course can be charted. Should there be a failure in the rudders, especially in a strong storm there could be shipwreck or loss of lives in the process.

As children of God we do well to be mindful of, 'The Treasure of the Tongue' in the plans and purposes of God. Of course the tongue does not operate of its own accord, but it is connected both to the mind and the heart. And so must our control of the tongue be given over to the Father and the Holy Spirit in order that building and blessing would come forth rather than danger and disaster.

For the tongue can be like that spark that the wind gets a hold of resulting in a disaster wiping out everything in its way. As God's children we are wise to guard this treasure given to us for His good and greater glory. 

Prayer Heavenly Father I give You my tongue today. Holy Spirit, I ask You to put a seal over my lips that the words that I speak would be words of life I pray through Christ Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  2 John 1:3a NLT"______, _______, and _______, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ – the Son of the Father…”