A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse June 30, 2018 Happy Eyes Scripture Reading – Proverbs 23:25 - 26  (NLT)"So give your father and mother joy! May she who gave you birth be happy. O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways." 

Every mother and father remember the joy and blessing of welcoming children into the world. They are filled with such tremendous potential and promise. As Christian parents it is our joy to raise them up in what the Bible calls the nurture and admonition of the Lord, trusting and praying that they will serve the Lord all of the days of their lives.

Of course children, like each of us have the freedom to choose which pathway they will follow, and some don't always choose the best one. As parents when one or more of our children don't follow the pathway of the Lord it certainly makes us sad, but God is the One who is able to comfort our hearts and give us faith to believe for their salvation.

On the other hand, when our children do serve the Lord there is no greater joy for parents than that. The result of such a decision in the lives of those who have been entrusted to us by God is, 'Happy Eyes', that we have a sparkle of thanksgiving and praise to God for His goodness, grace and working in the lives of those we love.

As daughters and sons we need to remember that we can will either give our parents cause for trial, or on the other and much better hand, great joy, where even their countenance will be lighter because of our daily decisions in life.

I believe that even the eyes of the Lord who is always looking all over the earth for His children to do well light up, and a smile crosses His face when we look to follow and honor Him in all of our ways.

Our face will light up too, when by grace and for the glory of Jesus, we hear His voice saying, 'well done good and faithful servants - enter into your rewards'.  

Prayer Father I release my burdens to you today, and thank -you that Your yoke is easy and the burden You give is light. Make my eyes a reflection of the One who came and gave His life for me I pray in Jesus holy name. 

Memory Verse:  Romans 5:1 NLT"Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”