A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse June 25, 2018 United in Peace Scripture Reading – Ephesians 2:14  (NLT)"For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke the wall of hostility that separated us." 

Consider the great cost through which we have been, 'United in Peace', with everyone, everywhere who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. When on the cross, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood, and cried out in victory, ‘It is finished’, the veil was torn from top to bottom, and the barrier between God and man was broken. Those things that can divide us even as separate nations were also torn down.

You see each culture has their own way of dress, own types of food, own customs that set them apart as one in their eyes and experience. Even the Jews and Gentiles were now brought together as children of the promises of God.

As we choose to come together not based upon our national customs, cultures and traditions, trying to make every other people group just like us - we then can experience and express the peace of God in the cultural diversity for which Christ Jesus died.

When I see the throne of heaven, and the purchase price of the blood of the Lamb surrounding the throne room of God, I see people from every language, tribe and nation raising up their praises in one voice of glorious praise.

When in Christ Jesus we step out and recognize that these hostilities have been broken in the name of Jesus, we can demonstrate a unity and companionship that is not based upon our nationality or earthly status, but upon the Lord by whom we have all been saved - Jesus Christ - our Prince of Peace. 

Prayer Thank-You Heavenly Father that You have so loved the world in Christ Jesus our Lord. Help me to be one who carries the peace of God to others of all nationalities in Jesus precious name. Forgive us when we place barriers and hostilities where there should be none, and Father make us one. I ask this in Jesus mighty name. 

Memory Verse:  Romans 5:1 NLT"Therefore, since we have been made ______ in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us."