A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse  June 21, 2018   People of Peace   Scripture Reading – Romans 5:1 (NLT) "Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us."  

You remember on the cross when God the Father turned His face from the Son, and the curtain was torn from top to bottom, which marked the beginning of the priesthood of all of those who would call upon Jesus Christ. Now by His blood, and His grace and His mercy we can come at any time into the very presence of God our Father, because through Jesus Christ we all have received peace.

There is nothing that can compare to the heart of a woman or man who has found peace with the One true God! That peace within our hearts means that we now have the possibility to be, 'People of Peace'.

Since God has given us in our hearts personally the peace of God in the Person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we now can be moved with the same compassions that our Lord Jesus Christ was.

When we are hurt - we can forgive, when we are cursed - we can choose to bless, when we are persecuted - we can rejoice, when people choose to despitefully use us - we can thank God that we belong to Him, and love and pray for them.

Of course, none of the above responses are humanly natural or attainable. However, with the vertical peace and grace that we have been granted through our Lord Jesus Christ, we can in the Person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit, choose to live as those who forgive and pray the best upon all people.

As we make that good and godly choice the best thing is that our hearts will continue to sing and rejoice for all God has done and is going to do through the daily living sacrifice of our hearts and lives.  

Prayer Father I rejoice in Your peace that is mine each and every day through Jesus Christ my Lord. He is my Prince of Peace, and gives me a peace that the world can never give. Holy Spirit, make me a conduit for this peace of God to all I pray in Jesus name.  

Memory Verse:  Ephesians 4:32 NLT “Instead, be _____ to each other, _______________, ___________ one another, ______ as God through Christ has forgiven you."