A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse June 13, 2018 E.T's Scripture Reading – 1 Peter 2:11 - 12a (NLT) "Dear friends, I warn you as 'temporary residents and foreigners' to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors..." 

Many will remember the story of the E.T, or the extra-terrestrial, who obviously did not belong on planet earth, because he was from another world. His goal in life was to phone home, or get into contact with the place where he really was from.

Today's text reminds us that those of us who name the name of Christ are really, E.Ts ourselves. At best we are temporary residents on this planet. And even if our lifetime were to last say 100 years, in comparison to eternity, that is just like a vapour in the air.

We are to live like foreigners, who actually are from another place, and we are to keep in contact, and not only be in contact, but connect others to our real and eternal home with Christ Jesus and the Father in heaven.

While we are alive on planet earth, it will do us good to remember that we do have an enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy God's best intentions for our lives, even our very souls. So we choose in the grace of God and Person and power of the Holy Spirit to keep clear from, stay away from those desires that will drag us down, and are not profitable to our eternal destiny.

This kind of life will distinguish us as citizens from another place, the kingdom of heaven, and will even allow our neighbors to see that we do march to the beat of a different drummer, and by His grace in an inviting way for them to come and join along in this march of abundant through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.  

Prayer Father, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Lord Jesus I pray in Your name that the presence and reality of Heaven would shine through my life in these last days, drawing others, friends and neighbors to find life and grace in You. 

Memory Verse:  John 16:24b NLT“____, using my ______, and you will ________, and you will have abundant joy.”