A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse May 26, 2018 Don't Listen to the Crowd Scripture Reading – Luke 18:37 - 39 (NLT)"They told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by. So he began shouting, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!' Be quiet! the people in front yelled at him'. But he only shouted louder, 'Son of David, have mercy on me!" 

Most of us only can imagine the hard kind of life in that day that was afforded to blind Bartimaeus. Known by the people of the city, he would go out to the same gate post daily and there do, what he was only able to do - beg for alms and kindness from those whose state in life allowed them more options for livelihood.

But, even in the days prior to television and social media, good news, or should I say the Good News of Jesus travelled fast.....really, really fast! For there was no one who spoke like, or even more importantly did what He was (and is) able to do. The lame walking, the deaf hearing, the dumb speaking and yes, even the blind being able to see!

So when Bartimaeus asked what was all the commotion that day, he was told that Jesus was passing by. Having heard of His fame, he began shouting to the One who was able to heal.

Friends when we are bringing our needs, or the needs of others, it is important that we, 'Don't Listen to the Crowd', who in this case told the blind man to, 'Shut up', perhaps even throwing him a coin or two. But this just made Bartimaeus shout all the louder until the Lord heard his voice above the crowd.

The same reading in Mark tells us that the crowd changed their tune when Jesus turned his attention towards Baritmaeus, even telling him to cheer up, because Jesus was now calling him.

And you too, keep on calling out, keep on coming to Jesus, in faith believing. Yes, even at times in spite or in the face of what some in the crowd may be saying to you. 

Prayer Thank-You Heavenly Father, that even though You know exactly what I need, and the needs of those around me that You love it when I call out to You. I will not be distracted by negative voices in the crowd, but I will keep calling out to Jesus my Lord to move for Your glory and according to Your will. 

Memory Verse:  Romans 1:16a NLT “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at word, saving everyone who believes."