A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse May 30, 2018 Be Glorified Scripture Reading – John 17:4 - 5 (NLT) "I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you have me to do. Now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began." 

Just a few weeks ago we had the privilege as a church to host the Vanguard Bible College Graduation service once again. As usual I was impressed and thankful to God for all of the young people, and some a little older as well, that took one, two three, four years or in some cases even a little bit more time, to prepare their lives as faithful servants of God.

One of the more interesting moments was in the key note address of the evening where one of the students spoke to the class about the priority of counting ourselves as faithful servants of God, even though we may make a stumble, or even two or three along life’s way.

Even at the end of His life on earth over supper, as Jesus the Beloved Son of God shared with His disciples, we can see that many of them had other things in mind. Such as who was going to be the greatest, sit at the right and left hand, or even who would be the one disciple that would never abandon Jesus, even if all of the others did!  Yes, as all through Scripture we can see that God, and Jesus has chosen to use people just like us to display the riches of His grace.

That is the reason Jesus by His life (Philippians 2), and His words both encourages and exhorts us to: remember that the first will be last and the last will be first, understand that the least will be the greatest, live as one willing to be the servant of all, daily be willing to take up our own cross and follow Him, be faithful and not tire of doing the good works that God has purposed and prepared for us to do. As we give ourselves to this upside right kind of living and loving, we will discover right here on earth that: 'The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever'. (Westminster Shorter Catechism).

By His grace may you and I be willing to live with hearts that willingly say and pray, ‘Be Glorified’. 

Prayer Father, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done in and through my life I pray. Glorify Yourself through me daily I ask in the power and Person of the Holy Spirit to the glory of Christ Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  John 14:13 NLT “You can _____ for __________ in my name, and I _____ do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father."