A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse May 25, 2018 Look to the Lord Scripture Reading – Matthew 8:16b - 17 (NLT) "He cast out the evil spirits with a simple command, and he healed all the sick. This fulfilled the word of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah, who said, 'He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases." 

There is no One like Jesus Christ our living and loving Lord, absolutely no One! Who else could have with a simple command from His Person brought relief to those who were suffering and oppressed of the devil? And He did not heal just some, but he healed all of the sick, by the power of His word. Thank God for the precious atoning work of Christ Jesus our Lord!

So today, my sister and brother, as we face situations needing His grace and intervention it is imperative that you and I, 'Look to the Lord'. His power, His promises, His provision and most importantly of all His Person. How did Jesus move when He was here on earth? He has not changed, but has given to us His name to go forth and display His healing power for His greater glory.

Therefore, we are to keep on looking to the Lord, in each and every situation where He encountered the impossible or seemingly impassible situations of life. Not getting focused on the things that we may see which are fading away, but rather focusing on the eternal purposes of Christ Jesus, and in His holy name speaking wholeness over individuals and situations, for His greater glory, honor and power.

As we continue looking unto Jesus, He will give us the grace and strength to show forth His glory, until we see Him face to face. 

Prayer Father, I come today once again into Your holy presence through Christ Jesus my Lord. I want to keep looking unto Jesus, and learning from Jesus, how to respond in believing faith for the greater glory of God.

 Memory Verse:  Romans 1:16a NLT “For I am not ________ of this ______ News about Christ. It is the _______ of God at ______, saving _________ who believes."