A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 27, 2018 Strength for Sharing and Caring Scripture Reading – Philippians 4:13 - 14 (NLT) "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty." 

Of course it is true for each and every believer in Christ Jesus, that He has purchased the victory for us by His death on the cross and the power of His resurrection from the dead. And He now even right this moment is at the right hand of the Father above where He is ever interceding for our welfare and the advance of His great and glorious kingdom through us. Further, Christ Jesus will most certainly enable us to go through everything in this life as He graces us with His strength.

However as believer's it does each of us well to remember that we are a part of a body, and that Jesus gives us, 'Strength for Sharing and Caring'. Or as one person who responded to an altar call in a church service told me one day that even though she came forward, when others were asked to come and pray alongside of those who were there, no one came, and she felt so all alone!

Yes, for when we in a place of need sense a hand on our shoulder, or gain a listening ear, or are encouraged from another who walked through similar circumstances, we then come to more fully understand that our Lord has not left us, not even for a moment, but He has placed people who genuinely do love and care for us as we walk this faith journey together called life.

And so may we each one of us draw near to the life that Christ Jesus has for us. For as we do, He will provide many more opportunities for each one to be an outlet of His love, kindness, mercies and grace. The most interesting result is that as we reach out and minister to others, God will fill up our cups even to overflowing! 

Prayer Father in Heaven today I receive and rejoice in Your grace, even in my times of need. Truly You carry me to victory through Jesus Christ my Lord. Take my life and let it be a blessing to those around me in need I pray. 

Memory Verse:  Psalm 25:4 – 5a NLT “_____ me the right _____, O LORD; point out the road for me to ________. Lead me by your ______ and ______ me…”