A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 24, 2018The Call of Worship Scripture Reading – Psalm 89:15 (NLT)

"Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence Lord." 

I do appreciate the definition from the Anglo-Saxon meaning of the word worship or worth/ship: meaning that to Whom (in the case of our God) is worthy of our praise or to Whom we ascribe worth to with our time, talent and treasure. It is for certain, the things that we give our lives to day in and day out are the things that we in fact do worship. Of course God is the only One worthy of such devotion, and to Him we are commanded to gladly honor.

 The Psalmist reminds us that worship is not an individual event alone, but rather there is a happiness from God that comes to us as we continue to gather ourselves together and lift up His name. I see it as embers coming together and by the wind of the Holy Spirit through our meeting, singing and exhortations being burst aflame for the glory of His name.

Of course for those of us in 2018, these celebrations take place weekly on the Lords Day as we gather together and joyfully celebrate the resurrection power of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. Truly as we take time to be together building up and encouraging one another, His joy becomes ours to share. And yes, 'The Call of Worship' is that which not only brings His joy to our lives, but also establishes our sense of direction and leading together one with the other to the greater glory of Jesus our living and loving Lord.

This light does not confine itself to our meeting times together, but then is ours when we leave to face the day in the working of our world. His presence goes before us, is over us and surrounds us, leading and guiding us each and every step along the way. 

Prayer Heavenly Father today I rejoice that I belong to the body of Christ Your church here on earth. May our times of celebration bring You great joy and may Your joy overflow into our lives with light and the leading of Your presence I pray in Jesus name. 

Memory Verse:  Psalm 25:4 – 5a NLT “_____ me the right _____, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me…”