A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 20, 2018 The Secret of Power Scripture Reading – Philippians 3:10 - 11 (NLT) "I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!" 

According to this world, power is found from tapping the resources from deep within yourself, maximizing your great inner potential, discovering the true you, and other self-focused kinds of pursuits and exercises.

But in the kingdom of God as today's text reminds us, 'The Secret of Power' and of the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit in particular is exactly the opposite of the ways and of the thinking found in this world. First of all, if we are to experience the mighty resurrection power of Christ Jesus something must first of all have to willingly die daily. That something is our human born nature of self-fulfillment and self-advancement.

Perhaps there is nothing as painful as being willing to suffer not only with and for our Lord Jesus Christ, but also to reach out and enter into His sufferings in the way that we strive daily to care for others. When we become willing to daily die to ourselves in this way, we are doing exactly what Christ Jesus said when He instructed any one of us wanting to follow after Him and be His disciple to daily take up our cross.

Right there is the mighty exchange of power - ours for His. Our lives willingly laid down for the causes of Christ Jesus, and His mighty resurrection power causing us to rise up and do the works of the Kingdom for the greater glory of His name. Is there a suffering that we must willingly enter into to experience this? Absolutely. But the only way to experience that resurrection power is to have this willingness to lay down our selfish interests and die daily, so that in some way we may truly experience and express His mighty resurrection power.  

Prayer Father in heaven I rejoice in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ my Lord on the cross for my salvation today. Spirit of the living God, teach me what it means to be a living sacrifice daily and know the resurrection power of Jesus chorusing through me, touching others with Your great love, I pray in Jesus precious name. 

Memory Verse:  Psalm 47:1 NLT “_____, everyone! _____ your hands! ______ to ____ with _______ praise!