A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 17, 2018 The Sound of Blessing Scripture Reading – Psalm 133:3 (NLT) "Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing, even life everlasting." 

There is something absolutely irritating about a continual repetition of one note, over and over and over again. Certainly does not draw any kind of a crowd, and if left unattended to, will even empty a room.

But when two or more come together in a beautiful harmony, there is that sweet sound that captures the hearts of those within ear range, and the more beautiful the harmonies, in no short time the room will be filled.

Spiritually this is exactly, 'The Sound of Blessing'! When believers live together in the precious anointing oil of the Holy Spirit in that place of unity or harmony. It is that kind of oneness for which our Lord Jesus prayed we would be able to experience, even as the sweet fellowship of the Trinity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And there - right there - where there is harmony and unity, the Lord will add His rich blessing. No wonder Jesus prayer concluded in saying that if we have that precious unity of the Spirit, then the world will believe that He came from God and loves them so.

And it is exactly these kinds of churches all over the world that the Lord is looking for, those in that place of Holy Spirit unity - that He will pronounce and yes, even command His rich blessing. And there is no refreshing in life as that anointing from the Father of the precious Holy Spirit.

And so may we be one of those who look for, work for, pray for and partner for unity and harmony in Jesus. Let the concert begin! 

Prayer Father, I rejoice in Your love for the whole world, and the unity of the Holy Spirit that belongs to the church, the bride and body of Christ. Forgive us when we have grieved the Holy Spirit. I commit in Jesus name to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. May Your anointing flow for the honor of Jesus my Lord I pray. 

Memory Verse:  Psalm 47:1 NLT “_____, everyone! _____ your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!