A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 15, 2018 Revived to Rejoice Scripture Reading – Psalm 85:6 (NLT) "Won't you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you?" 

What a dark day it had to be, not only physically, but even spiritually for those followers of Jesus who were around the cross in their perception. The soul of His mother Mary was pierced with a sword as Jesus cried out and breathed His last breath. The disciples all heard the news and shut themselves up, pulling down all of the blinds, worried and wondering what may become of them if they were found.

And this gloom and darkness ensued over that three-day period in all of their hearts, because they were certain Jesus was dead and all was lost. Until the ladies came running from the tomb, and filled with joy shouting out the Good News of the Gospel that is ours to share each and every day - Jesus Christ is alive!

It is that kind of a spirit that our text implores those of us who name the name of Jesus to understand, that we are, 'Revived to Rejoice'. And this rejoicing in our living Jesus is what makes us the best testimonies of His resurrection. This joy of the Lord is our strength and even will sustain us in the midnight hours of our lives.

And so truly as we meet together to celebrate the Lord’s Day, may Jesus revive us that we may rejoice together, lifting up the joyful song that because our Lord Jesus lives, we are fully alive and we shall live also both now and forevermore! 

Prayer Father, I ask for the Holy Spirit to fill me with the joy of the Lord Jesus today. I come to You in and through Him and bring you each and every concern of my day. As we meet together as Your body, and Your bride today, may our songs of joy be a testimony that our Jesus is alive. I pray in Jesus precious name.

 Memory Verse:  Psalm 47:1 NLT “Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!