A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 10, 2018 The Richest of Food Scripture Reading – John 4:33 - 34 (NLT) 

"Did someone bring him food while we were gone?' the disciples asked each other. Then Jesus explained: 'My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work." 

Having intentionally gone through Samaria, though I am sure to the dismay of His disciples, as Jews hated Samaritans - Jesus and His disciples were tired and hungry and it was in the heat of the day. The disciples had gone into town to get food, and bring some back to share with Jesus as He had sat down by Jacobs well.

As the disciples were away, Jesus shared the most intimate conversation about worshipping God with of all people a Samaritan woman. Taboo, on two counts. In that culture for a Rabbi: first of all, her gender being a woman, and secondly her nationality being a Samaritan. However, Jesus taught us here that the Good News of the Gospel is not bound by such human misunderstandings, and He encouraged this woman to come and eat of, 'The Richest of Food'. And she did exactly that, coming to know God through the invitation of Jesus.

The disciples were so shocked that Jesus was speaking to this individual, that not even one of them dared to ask what He was doing. Then one of them finally said something like, 'Here Master, we have brought you back your favorite lunch time food - come and dine'.

The reply of Jesus was that in doing the will of the Father, His deepest needs were satisfied, which the disciples simply could not yet understand.

Yet, even as when we dine at a fine restaurant, and cannot help but tell others of our experience, so it is when we obey Christ and love others first, He fills us up with the bread of heaven, and meets our deepest needs. The result is that our lives become a beacon of light for others to come and do the same. And there is no other way to get a seat at a table such as this. 

Prayer Heavenly Father today I remember the day that Your Holy Spirit came, sought me out, and called me into relationship with Jesus, and I experienced this richest of fare, eternal life in Him. May my life be a light and beacon of such willingness to both sacrifice and share Your Good News with others, I pray for the glory of Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  Proverbs 11:25 NLT “The ________ will ________; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."