A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 4, 2018 Up or Down Scripture Reading – Psalm 1:1b (NLT)“...who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers." 

If you were to ask practically anyone if they would like to have an up day or a down day, you would think that most everyone would reply, up! Yet today's text reminds us particularly as believers that whether our day is, 'Up or Down' really depends on the choices that we make each and every day that God gifts to us.

On the down side people who choose to follow after the wicked's advice, those who base their opinions, world views and comments on the ways of this world usually then come to a place where they stop moving and stand around, adopting the same kinds of attitudes and judgments, and finally they come to that place where they join right in and take a seat at the table where they mock, ridicule and doubt people and the kinds of decisions they make. Usually with words like, 'While if I were in that position this is what I would do'. Never realizing unfortunately that God has not placed them in that position.

On the up or should I say the Sonny side are those who choose to follow after the advice of the godly. This leads to standing around with those who are praying for and supporting the working of God in this age, realizing that this world is not our home, we are only passing through. And this finally results in taking a seat at the table and praying and supporting those God has placed over them. Choosing only to speak words that are uplifting and encouraging to build up and edify others most all of the times.

Obviously it's just more fun to live on the up side, and it brings great pleasure both to the Father the Son and welcomes the fullness of the Person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit more and more into our hearts and lives. Only by walking in the fullness of His Spirit will we continue to rise above the lesser pathways. 

Prayer My Father in heaven I remember the day You reached into my life, and rejoice for the way in which You constantly lead me higher in Jesus. Forgive me for the times I have given in to lower ways of thinking, talking and influencing. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh today and make me a leader in thoughts, words and deeds, I pray for the glory of Jesus. 

Memory Verse:  Acts 3:15 NLT “You _______ the ________ of life, but God ________ him from the dead. And we are witnesses of this fact!”