A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse April 3, 2018 Overflowing Scripture Reading – Psalm 1:1a (NLT)“Oh, the joys of those... The Hebrew construction of the word is actually as the text suggests in the plural....joys, blessedness, happiness, good fortunes, prosperous, enviable are all expressions we can find of this word in the Amplified bible, while the Message simply says...'How well God must like you'.

Now friends this is certainly not to say that we do not face divers or many kinds of trials, testing's, and tribulations that to be quite honest often we in our human condition struggle to find any understanding in. But remember my brother and sister, Jesus Christ is risen indeed!

So as we as His daughters and sons adopt daily an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving for everything we have in His grace these joys will be continually, 'Overflowing' both in, but most importantly of all through our lives.

Therefore today in faith believing you can take the posture of thanksgiving that in Christ Jesus: You once were blind, but now can see; You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; There is nothing too difficult for you and Him; Jesus is always by your side; Anything you ask for in His name will be given to you; You belong to the family of God; Your sins are forgiven and forgotten by God; You have access to the Father at any time; Jesus is your High and Holy Intercessor; Greater is Jesus in you than the one that is in the world; And we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us!

As in thanksgiving and gratitude we take this posture, on purpose and in the all powerful name of Jesus, the joy of the Lord which is our strength will overflow. And yes my brothers and sisters we will not only make it and get by, but we will overcome for the glory of God. 

Prayer Father, Your joy is my strength. I thank-You for each and every promise that is mine in and through Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit fill my heart with gratitude and overflow through me I ask for the glory of Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  Acts 3:15 NLT “You _______ the ________ of life, but God raised him from the dead. And we are witnesses of this fact!”