A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse March 25, 2018 Rock Solid Scripture Reading – 1 Corinthians 15:16 - 18 (NLT) “And if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost."  

What is it about Rocky, that not only one movie was made about this boxer, but there were six, seven or eight - until the star of the show was almost Grandpa age, and no more remakes were humanly (even with computer enhancing) possible?

For certain it is the unbelievable story of redemption, or comeback. That while the boxer is not only beaten up, and leveled, but seemingly knocked out and down for the count....7, 8, 9....and then unbelievably up again and again, and again finally to see his opponent knocked out and then the victory was won, as the crowd goes absolutely wild. This is why millions upon millions identified with this and other movies of redemption and restoration because it is our deepest human need.

Not only is Jesus resurrection a great story, or an event to stir one’s emotions, but the unbelievable (humanly speaking), reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which after His beating, and horrific death on the cross - not even one of His disciples believed in. In fact, all of them thought that the game was over, Jesus was down and out for the count - and therefore they were lost.

But the fact of the resurrection, and the victory Christ Jesus purchased with His blood is the Good News story of the Gospel of God's great love. Those of us who by grace have believed, are changed, both now and forever, and  are continually being changed by His great and glorious grace into being like our Champion, our loving and living Lord Jesus Christ.

And countless lives have believed, and this belief is not a leap of faith in the dark, but it is 'Rock Solid', based upon the truth that our Jesus lives. And since He is alive, we live too! 

Prayer Heavenly Father I rejoice in the fact of the resurrection, and that by faith Jesus is alive in my life. Holy Spirit, make me a reflection of the resurrection I pray in Jesus name and for His glory. Amen. 

Memory Verse:  Ephesians 2:4 – 5aNLT “But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.”