A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse March 22, 2018 Ears That Hear Scripture Reading – Revelation 2:7a (NLT)“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches..." 

What a truly amazing and loving Father we have. Truly I must confess I do take so many things for granted, take my ears for example. They can hear the wind stirring the leaves on the trees, the sound of babbling brook or rolling ocean waves, the beauty of music, or the sound of a voice saying, 'I love you'. And yet, I more often than not simply take these and countless other things that I hear for granted, yet they have been afforded me by a loving Father.

And naturally, I remember the first time when my ears were not seeming to hear normally. I went to the Doctor, and he looked into them, exclaiming, 'Yep, I can't even see the drums - your ears are blocked with wax'. He then proceeded to insert an instrument, and it felt like he was pulling out footballs from my head - and he was - YUK! But when he did, I could hear, oh, so clearly again, in fact more clearly than I had in a long time. In my case I need to have my ears cleaned out at least every couple of years, or there is that wax build up.

Supernaturally, the same is even more true. In the Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ in all seven letters, we see the same admonition. We have been given spiritual ears, by the Holy Spirit, but we must allow Him to keep our passages clear, otherwise, our lives will get all gummed up. And this spiritual hearing involves both listening, and then understanding, and then by His grace, and for His glory, doing the things that we have heard. It is exactly in that process that we exemplify that we have been given, 'Ears That Hear'. 

Prayer Father in heaven, thank-You for giving me ears to hear. Holy Spirit make me sensitive to Your voice I pray for the glory of Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  1 Chronicles 16:11 NLT“________ for the ______ and for his _________; ____________ seek him.”