A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse March 19, 2018 The Prodigal Heart of the Father Scripture Reading – James 5:19 - 20 (NLT) “If someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins." 

The word prodigal means: 'Given to extravagant expenditure; expending wastefully; profuse; lavish; bountiful; a waster'. And if we are not very careful, we will never understand, 'The Prodigal Heart of the Father'.

Then we will look upon those who were raised up as Christians and have left the fold for any number of reasons with the attitude that says things like: 'They should have known better', or even worse, 'They made their beds, now they will have to sleep in it.'

And in so doing we will be more like Judas who complained that the oil poured out upon Jesus was too lavish and a waste of money, or Simon the Pharisee who complained that as this same kind of act was being done on Jesus that - He could not be a real prophet or He would know that this woman was a....sinner! I always wondered how this Pharisee knew so much about this sinful woman's livelihood?

For my sisters and brothers, we all need to remember that we all are only, 'sinners saved by His lavish, rich and glorious grace'. And that He loved us first, when we were still His enemies. And He taught us to pray forgive us our sins - because we still have them - and that of commission - those we know about, and omission - those we have no clue of.

And more than anything we need to remember the story we call, 'The Prodigal Son', really better I think known as, 'The Prodigal Father'. In this beautiful story that we all should be able to relate to forever, the sinful son trudges home - only to be ran to and embraced, ringed and robed and thrown a party for - which was great for absolutely everyone - everyone that is, except the older brother who was disgusted and ashamed at this wasteful expense.

Today's text implores us to be more like Jesus, Who left the ninety and nine - and that is exactly why you and I are here my friend. And went out rescuing the one that wandered away and was in danger, pouring the oil of healing into that life.As we too pour in His healing oil, sins will be forgiven - ours and there's also, and the Father will rejoice. 

Prayer Father, I remember that You loved me first. Help me to be more forgiving and seeking to forgive, like You, I pray in Jesus name. 

Memory Verse:  1 Chronicles 16:11 NLT“________ for the LORD and for his strength; continually seek him.”