A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse March 9, 2018

Free to Forgive Scripture Reading – Matthew 6:14 - 15 (NLT) “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." 

Can you take a very personal moment right now, pause and reflect back to the time that you were still unknowingly under the burden and control of your sinful nature prior to coming into a relationship with Jesus? Remember the weight of your sins, and the exchange that took place when you received Christ's forgiveness through faith by His precious blood shed on the cross. That day you exchanged your heavy load for His light burden and were placed into the yoke with Christ Jesus your Lord and began walking in newness of life. With all your sins forgiven, every day since then you and I are, 'Free to Forgive'.

Just so we may not misinterpret today's text, which by the way follows the Lord's (perhaps even better titled Disciples) Prayer, where Jesus instructed us to pray that we would be forgiven even as we forgive the sins of others.  Please understand that forgiveness is not the work that 'buys' our forgiveness with God, for that was obtained on the cross by Jesus blood. Concerning our salvation, it is most certainly by grace alone through faith alone, that we are saved.  Rather when we choose to walk in forgiveness, and that not possible by our own human effort, but only by the power and mercy of Christ - we then will experience His grace, His joy, yes - His very life and forgiveness chorusing through our lives to the greater glory of God. That is exactly the freedom Christ died to supply.

Conversely if we as believers choose not to forgive, we may still be saved, but surly will live a miserable existence imprisoned by that very person that we desire to take a pound of flesh from. And rather than being a reflection of His forgiveness, even our faces and attitudes will display that something is just not quite right.

May we all press in to Jesus and understand how much we have been forgiven, and by His grace go and do likewise, for His glory - until we see His smiling face. 

Prayer Heavenly Father thank-You for loving and sending Jesus to die for me long before I came to You. Forgive me I pray for holding anyone accountable to me for anything. Holy Spirit help me to forgive, heal me and make me a reflection of my risen Lord, I pray in Jesus mighty name. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 3:14 NLT “I ______ on to reach the _____ of the race and __________ the heavenly ________ for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling ___.”