A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse March 8, 2018 Now and Forever Scripture Reading – Mark 11:29 - 30 (NLT) “Yes', Jesus replied, 'and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, mothers, children, and property - along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life." 

The disciples were amazed, or perhaps I should say aghast in their observations of Jesus with a rich, successful, and very religious leader - who claimed to follow God from being a young child, having gone away sad after being challenged with the Lordship of Jesus.

Peter, who was never one to be found short of words then reminded Jesus that all of them had left everything, almost to say for the rest of them that he hoped that would be sufficient for them to be saved!Jesus answer was a promise to them, but also to all of us, who by faith respond to the gracious invitation to follow after Him with all of our hearts as best as we know how.

I remember just over seventeen years ago with my family responding to God's call on our lives driving away from our home city, and province waving bye to our families and driving a distance farther than Miami, Florida is from Toronto, Ontario to come to new home in Edmonton. I also remember just months after the move an ache in my heart for family gatherings, birthdays, anniversaries, baby dedications, graduations, weddings and the like, which all along while in the ministry I had been able to enjoy because of our proximity to those in our natural family.

But over these years in God’s gracious calling on our lives, I must confess that while not blood family, our church family have been like grand-parents, parents, and yes, even brothers and sisters, with hundreds of relationships and homes being opened in the name of Jesus.

This closeness is exactly what Jesus has promised to each of us, whether we literally have to move across the country or, only across the street from family. As we sacrifice to the Lordship of Jesus, we will be rewarded both, 'Now And Forever', in ways that will ring through even into eternity itself. 

Prayer Father, how thankful I am for the grace of God that has been revealed to me through Jesus Christ my Lord.  Help me I pray to present my life as a willing living sacrifice, and exhibit the joy of the Lord in all that I do, following the example of Jesus my Savior and my Lord, I pray in His name. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 3:14 NLT “I ______ on to reach the _____ of the race and __________ the heavenly ________ for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”