A Daily Devotional with Pastor Doug Crouse March 7, 2018 

Be The Greatest Scripture Reading – Mark 9:33b - 35 (NLT) “Jesus asked his disciples, 'What were you discussing out on the road?' But they didn't answer, because they had been arguing about which of them was the greatest. He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, 'Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else." 

I remember as a youngster watching and hearing the heavy weight champion of the world Muhammad Ali, shouting and taunting his opponents saying, 'I am the greatest'. A few years later I also remember watching Wayne Gretzky, or the great one as he crafted his game, and seemed to carry himself in more humility although he truly was a great hockey player.

This day in the life of Jesus and his followers, just out of his ear shot, though never out of his heartbeat, the disciples were arguing amongst themselves about who was the most spiritual, favorite – yes even the greatest disciple of all. And as Jesus got to the heart of the matter with His question, the room fell silent, and I am sure that more than one of their faces became warm with embarrassment.

And one day Jesus will ask the same question of each of us, and He truly desires for each and every one to, 'Be The Greatest'. And if we will aspire to such heights, it will require an upside down kind of mentality on our parts. For the very greatest people of all in the kingdom of Jesus are those who are the very least. I don’t mean to suggest even for a moment that they are not people of incredible strength, or even people of amazing talent, like our two mentioned great ones at the top. But they and all of those who are the greatest in Jesus kingdom are the ones who serve with great grace and humility that comes from above.

Never wanting to be the first one, but if they are given that place, ensuring that they are raising up others along with them. Never desiring to speak, but if they do always thanking from the heart those who have helped them all along the way, especially their Lord. Never aspiring to be the one who leads, but always doing so with an attitude of servitude.

As this is our goal, by His grace, The Greatest One of all is not only glorified, but takes glory and pleasure in the sacrifice of His children. 

Prayer Father, I remember that Jesus showed us Your perfect will. And that He came not to serve, but to be served. In all I do, help me to be a servant too, so that Your greatness may somehow be seen in me. I pray in Jesus name. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 3:14 NLT “I ______ on to reach the _____ of the race and __________ the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”