Morning, Noon and Night   Scripture Reading – Psalm 119:148 - 149 (NLT) “I rise early, before the sun is up; I cry out for help and put my hope in your words. I stay awake through the night, thinking about your promise." 

The Lord is there in the darkness of the night. The Lord is there when the day is bright. You can come to Him, 'Morning, Noon and Night'. Many of us will remember the words from childhood, 'Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep...' Really it is a wonderful prayer, as mentally you may even now, finish it off to its conclusion. This childlike prayer reminds us that it is not only a good thought, but an excellent practice for us as His children to fall asleep thinking spiritual thoughts. For even in our sleep, the Father watches, tends and cares for us, and perhaps will even speak to us in a dream.

And if we perhaps find ourselves awake in the watches of the night, rather than despairing that we seem not to be able to find sleep, let us find the Savior there and bend our hearts and knee in trusting prayer.

And when we wake to the dawning of mornings light, may our first words not be, 'Good Lord it's morning', but rather, 'Good morning Lord', as in faith we begin yet another new day of His mercies looking to Him in thought, through His Word and in our deeds.

Perhaps this year, some of us may even discipline ourselves as His disciples to wake ourselves up on purpose, before the morning light, in order to take time to seek our Savior and savor His presence and purposes for the day He has bestowed His grace upon our lives.

For certain as we place ourselves in these positions of obedience, not only will the Lord be our helper in all of our times of need. But He also will be our hope, reflecting from our lives for all to see His glory.

Finally as we continue to gaze upon His greatness, His very own promises and purposes will be both fulfilled and flowing through our lives, for His greater glory, honor and praise.  

Prayer Father, I will find You in the morning, I will look to You in the watches of the night. Help me to discipline myself to take/make time to seek You in this New Year. In Jesus name, may Your help, hope and promises reflect through the life of this servant I pray.  

Memory Verse:  Revelation 21:5 NLT “And the one sitting on the throne said, '______, I am making everything ____!' And then he said to me, 'Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true."