Ask - Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime Scripture Reading – James 1:5 (NLT)

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." 

Sometimes as people or mothers and fathers we can get frustrated when individuals ask too many questions. Especially in our minds if it seems as though the answer or at least pathway of progression is rather obvious to us. That's because we are human and find it hard to understand for sure or even to really empathize with others when we have not even had to walk a block - not to mention a mile, two or more in their moccasins. There are other times when we will even brush off a question or an inquiry because we may be too busy, or feel as though we don't know the person well enough or quite honestly simply don't want to get involved.

But today's text reminds us that God is not like that at all or ever. In fact, in the day of trouble, or in the day when you may be struggling with even a decision over what may be the good, better, or best (God's) choice for you. You can, 'Ask - Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime'.

And God will never get tired from you coming to Him and asking. In fact, He will always respond generously when you and I come to Him in faith with our questions. He will not say that He is too tired, or ask you to come back later when He has more time, or that He would rather not get involved. Exactly the opposite indeed - He will always be with you. Even when you seem to be in a long and dark tunnel with no light, He will cause your head to look up and see His salvation.

The ask need not only be concerning yourself. In fact, God loves it when selflessly we come and ask for wisdom on the behalf of others. Taking the time to share our lives and insights with them in order to be a friend in deed to an individual in need.  

Prayer Heavenly Father, I remember today that You are no respecter of persons and that I can come to You anywhere from anyplace at any time and ask for Your wisdom. Thank-You for always hearing and guiding me. In Jesus name I ask for ears to hear and faith to follow all that You have purposed for me today, in Jesus name I pray. 

Memory Verse:  Romans 8:28 NLT “And we _____ that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose."