How to Ask Scripture Reading – James 1:6 - 7(NLT)

"But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord." 

So then, since we are sure that we will have troubles, and that the reason from God's end is that we will mature and grow and develop. And further that He wants us to come to Him always both in and with these situations, let's consider today, 'How to Ask', when we are needing wisdom and direction of God.

We certainly don't want to adopt a fatalistic attitude that cries out something like, 'Oh no, it's come this far that now we have to pray'! We do not want to come before God with words that are disconnected from our hearts which are filled with despair and doubt. That will not foster any kind of spiritual stability in our lives at all, but we will find ourselves bouncing from this place to the next with no true sense of direction.

Rather we want to come to God with our hard questions, and even our doubts or those of others, with the attitude of gratitude that He will hear us. He will direct us. He will be with us. He will guide and not only that, but also provide for us! That attitude is the one of faith without which it absolutely is impossible to please God. And when we do come in faith believing, not only can we expect to be heard, but we can expect that what looks impossible with man will be possible with God. Not only in our own lives, but even in the lives of others. 

Prayer Father today I remember the words of Jesus that when He went to be with You in heaven that He would send another, the Holy Spirit to be with us and to live within us. He is our teacher, our guide and will tell us what we need to know, even concerning the future. Holy Spirit lead me into all truth and wisdom for Jesus name I pray. 

Memory Verse:  Romans 8:28 NLT “And we _____ that God causes ___________ to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose."