The Best Fruit of All Scripture Reading – Galatians 5:22 - 23 (NLT)

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" 

Do you have a favorite fruit or vegetable? Strawberries, kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, mango or star fruit? Perhaps carrots, peas, asparagus, or tomatoes? I must confess, I have a passion for all of the above, and when shopping I do my best to pick out the best looking fruit to take home for all to enjoy. But as good the fruit or vegetable may be off of the store shelves. I have found there is nothing like a vine ripened tomato, or fresh from the tree orange! For the most part, these fruits and vegetables are good for you too!

But today's text reminds us of, 'The Best Fruit of All'. That is the fruit of the Holy Spirit bearing witness to our risen Lord Jesus Christ. This fruit is exactly the opposite to our carnal human nature, and so attractive in drawing people to come receive and believe in Jesus. Each one of these characteristics of the Spirit lived out in the lives of the people of God allow His glory shine through us.

When it comes to how much we may have, or even better yet display this fruit, we are told to, 'Have at er', 'Go for it', or 'Take and bear as much as you can'. Since there is no law against any of these, we can ask, pray and display an abundance of them for His greater glory!

For Jesus our Lord receives so much more glory as we abide in Him, and He truly wants us to bear much fruit, in order that His Father will receive even greater glory, forever and forever....Amen! 

Prayer Father, I abide in You today, and remember that You too abide in me. I rest in the promise of Jesus that as I do this, I will bear much fruit for Your greater glory. Help me in Jesus name to display these in even a greater measure I pray. 

Memory Verse:  Zechariah 4:6b NLT“It is not by _______ nor by ________, but by my _________, says the ______ of Heaven's ________."