Ing, Ing, Ing Scripture Reading – Luke 11:9 - 10 (NLT)

"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. and to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." 

The disciples admired the way in which Jesus prayed to the Father, and so at their request to be taught how to pray, Jesus gave them (and us of course) the prayer we have come to know as, 'The Lords... (but perhaps better titled, The Believers)... Prayer'. Immediately after this prayer, Jesus teaches them, and each of us today even more importantly the imperative of: 'Ing, Ing, Ing'.

For as Jesus illustrates, the Heavenly Father has a gift that He wants to give to each and every one of us. This is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Key to note that we are not only to, ask, seek and knock once. But the language in the Greek text describes an attitude of heart that continues to be, asking, seeking and knocking. This implies not only once in our lifetime receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, but rather continually hungering and thirsting for that gift to be filling and overflowing through us.

The simple or should I say profound reason for this is because as believers, our lives will be filled with midnight hours, such as in this story, where we have nothing to set before those who God has placed in our pathway. Perhaps you find yourself in such an hour right now: personally, in your family, in your work place, or in relations with other individuals which the Lord has placed across your pathway of influence.

The Good News is that even though we have nothing in and of ourselves to set before them, or in this situation - that as we continue to come to God with this need earnestly and from the depths of our hearts, He will give us in His Holy Spirit, all that we need and even more…so much more.

So even though it may be late, everyone is asleep, the doors seem locked and barred - keep right on asking, seeking and knocking in the mighty name of Jesus! 

Prayer My Father I bring myself before You once again today, and confess that in and of myself I have nothing to give. So once again, boldly in Jesus name, I come asking, seeking and knocking for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to flow into and overflow through my life. Thank-You for providing me with all I need for the glory of Christ Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  Zechariah 4:6b NLT “It is not by _______ nor by ________, but by my _________, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies."