The Signature of the Gift Scripture Reading – Acts 2:3 - 4 (NLT)

"Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability." 

So there they were, around 120 believers gathered together, looking unto Jesus to come and baptize them with the promised Holy Spirit. The environment was one of prayer and praise, one of unity and expectation. Then according to His promise suddenly the Spirit came. On this first occasion of believer's being baptized with the Holy Spirit, there were outward signs to signify the realization of the prophecy and the promise: the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and then actually what looked like flames of fire appeared over the head of everyone in the room.

But, 'The Signature of the Gift', that can be seen in the book of Acts as well as the teaching of the New Testament is that of speaking in other tongues. Interesting to note that at the Tower of Babel, tongues were confused, and now at the reception of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, tongues are united in praise and prophecy to God!

This signature of the reception of the gift, and initial evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is: instructional, as we declare the glories of God in another divine language of the Spirit; impartational, as we are strengthened personally as we pray in the language of the Spirit, and inspirational, as we allow the Holy Spirit to pray through us in accordance with the perfect will of the Father - for things in our own human understanding we are unable to know.

So even though our own minds do not understand what the Holy Spirit is saying when we speak in tongues, be filled and keep on praying in the Spirit at all times, and with all kinds of requests. 

Prayer Father in Heaven I ask You to fill me with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and power, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Let the Spirit flow through me, so that in and through my life, Christ Jesus may be seen in me. 

Memory Verse:  Zechariah 4:6b NLT “It is not by _______ nor by ________, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies."