God's Good News Scripture Reading – Luke 2:10 - 11 (NLT)

"But the angel reassured them. 'Don't be afraid!' he said. 'I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!"

If you have noticed the front page headlines, or even the lead stories that we see daily on our local or national telecasts are usually not filled with good news, but with reports of heart ache, tragedy and loss.

The news that God has gifted us to share about Jesus Christ is exactly the opposite of that and it too deserves daily play and front page profile.

For many of us who have grown up in North America, it is usually around the beginning of December that we can remember the Christmas pageants at schools, and Christmas stories and songs being shared and sung right until Christmas day when all of the presents were opened.

Yet, 'God's Good News’ about Christ Jesus our Lord is not meant simply to be seasonal, but rather sensational and certainly significant each and every day of our lives! Having just celebrating resurrection weekend, we are reminded of this greatest message of all that God has given us to steward to the world.

This Good News is that of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That Christ was virgin born, lived the perfect life and died on the cross for my sins, and rose again for my salvation.

This great joy is what is promised as I choose to abide in Christ Jesus. And this does not last for a little while, but is with me for a life time and even into eternity itself.

This message is not relegated to one ethnicity or race of people but is rather global or for all people everywhere. Christ Jesus came for you.

And so may each one of us who daily call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord be faithful in taking and making this message known, right up until the day that we see Jesus face to face.   

Prayer Father I want to thank-You once again for the good news of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. May my life, in all that I do and all that I say continue to tell His story I pray in Jesus precious name.  

Memory Verse: Revelation 5:12 (NLT)“And they sang in a _______ chorus: '_______ is the _____ who was ____________ - to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and ________."