Where is the Blessing?   Scripture Reading – Malachi 3:7b - 10a (NLT) "But you ask, 'How can we return when we have never gone away?' Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! But you ask,' What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?' 'You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse, for your whole nation has been cheating me. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple."  

Do you remember that hamburger ad with the kindly older woman looking down at the big bun and abruptly looking up at the person who was responsible for serving with the loud declaration: 'Where's the beef?'.

Today's text is much the same coming down from above from the Father Who owns and is the giver of all things that pass into and through our hands. We as his grateful servants sometimes may find ourselves asking the question as we walk through this life: 'Where is the Blessing?’

Today's text certainly answered that for the nation of Israel and puts it into the proper temporal and most importantly eternal perspective for us as well. We know that Jesus approved that as his followers of course we should continue to tithe. I always love and remember what David Mainse said concerning the tithe or that first ten percent of the income that comes into our hands, even in times of financial pressure at 100 Huntley Street: 'the tithe belongs in the General Fund of your local congregation'.

And so I believe is the case today, and challenge from God. That it is possible not only for individuals not to experience the fullest blessing of God if they refuse to pay God His tithe, and offerings, but even an entire nation can be in a place of curse or lack for this disobedience. I wonder today how many people, churches and mission organizations would be flush not only with cash, but most importantly with the rich blessing of God if individuals were faithful in the place of the tithe and offerings?

And so may we individually and corporately respond to God and bring all of the tithe into His storehouse. For when we do there will not only be enough, but there will be more than enough as He pours out His rich blessings.  

Prayer Father, may we honor You with the tithes and offerings in our personal lives and in our church families. Thank-You for pouring out Your rich blessing: in our lives, our homes, our churches and yes - even our nation, as we are obedient for the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord.  

Memory Verse: Luke 19:38a “_________ on the _____ who ______ in the ______ of the ______!”