Who Is A Sinner? Scripture Reading – Luke 7:38b - 39 (NLT)

“Then she kept kissing his feet and putting perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, 'If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She's a sinner."

Simon the Pharisee was so pleased that Jesus had responded to his dinner invitation. He had all of his most respected religious friends over as well, and everything was going exactly as planned.

Until...she walked in, certainly uninvited by Simon. I have always wondered how Simon had such an intimate knowledge of the sinful life that she lived??? And not only did this in Simon's heart and eyes... 'immoral woman', come into his house, but she came to the guest of honor, and let her hair down, and poured out perfume, and wept and now was kissing the feet of Jesus. This was too much for Simon to take, and he was now convinced in his thoughts that Jesus was no prophet at all, or he would not allow such an embarrassment.

Until...Jesus answered the very thoughts of this and all of the religious elite, even up to this day with a question and some observations. The question revolves around who displays a true love to God the Father. And the answer to that question is the person who personally knows, 'Who Is A Sinner'.

Simon did not see himself in that club, and so don't many religious people even today. But Simon did not even offer the common courtesies of: washing Jesus feet, giving a common greeting with a kiss or refreshing his head with oil.

And why was Simon so angry that day. Simply because he could not see his need of a Savior. For it takes just as much of the blood of Jesus to cleanse a prostitute as it does to cleanse one who looks religiously pious in their own eyes.

And when cleansed, our only response is that of loving the only One who could ever do so with an everlasting love. 

Prayer Father I rejoice in Your love through Christ Jesus my Lord, so rich and so free, fresh and new mercies every morning. Forgive me for ever looking down on anyone, anywhere, and help me to love with the same love You continually pour out on me, I ask this through Jesus my Savior and Lord. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 3:3 “But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.”