The Partners of Peace Scripture Reading – 2 John 3 (NLT)

“Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ - the Son of the Father - will continue to be with us who live in truth and love." 

When you sit down to formally write a letter, in the address there are certain greetings that often will first appear. So was the case in all of the epistles, or letters to the churches in the New Testament. And if you were to look at these books separately, one by one - you would often see are, 'The Partners of Peace', that come from having that living relationship with God.

John in today's text identifies not only what these are, but also exactly where they come from. It comes from being in that daily flow from the Father and the Son, and as we are knowing and growing in the Person and power of the Holy Spirit. He mentions two partners to peace that are part and parcel of a living and vital relationship with God.

First of all is grace. I have yet to find a better and more memorable definition than the one I learned years ago, found in the word itself, and perfectly describing the relationship we human beings enjoy with Almighty God. God's Richs At Christ's Expense! That those of us who were spiritually bankrupt, have been given all blessings through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Secondly he mentions mercy. Mercy has been described as receiving that which we do not deserve. And once again this blessing comes on our lives, because of the perfection of our High Priest the Lord Jesus. Nothing in my hands do I ever bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.

Having this continual spiritual provision of God's grace and God's mercy we also are saluted in these greetings with peace, once again flowing from the throne of heaven. And as we strive to live in this experience the result will be lives filled with both truthfulness and love both to God and to those He places across our pathways. 

Prayer My Father in heaven I remember the daily provision of Your grace, mercy and peace that is continually on my life through Jesus my Lord. Fill me today, and make me more like Thee I pray in Jesus name. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 3:3 “But ____, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.”