Peace in Your Problems Scripture Reading – John 16:33 (NLT)

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." 

Concerning trials, troubles and testing's - even, or perhaps especially to those of us who are the daughters and sons of the living and loving God, I've always identified with the spiritual quote: 'You got problems, I got problems....all God's chillen got problems'.

And today's text reminds us that if anyone anywhere preaches a gospel that promises a lack of trial, testing, tribulation and trouble - it really is no gospel at all. Our living and loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ affirms that also in today's text and reminds you where to find, 'Peace In Your Problems'.

The reality of peace is not the absence of testings or trials. Nor is it in the problem or divers problems themselves, but rather our peace is found in Jesus Christ. Since we are in His loving care, we must choose to remember that He is the Captain of our salvation, and that nothing that passes into our lives has not yet passed through His all-powerful hand. So in the midst of all of our pain, suffering and misunderstanding of the: where, how and why's of life - it will do us well to remember that much of this pain and strife is normal this side of heaven.

And finally the reason that we may have hearts filled with assurance rather than paralyzed with fear is that Christ Jesus has overcome the world, even death itself. Recently in sitting down with a friend they recounted to me how they were speaking to a fellow believer facing death with cancer. This individual was fully trusting Christ and said: 'I am fully trusting Jesus, and I can't lose either way - it is either a miracle or a mansion for me'. I don’t know about you, but that is a testimony of someone with a living hope in Jesus!

As you and I live out our lives this side of glory in faith looking to Jesus our risen Savior, we too will shine with the light of His love, even and perhaps especially in our times of darkness, we will never despair because of the hope that lives within us. 

Prayer Father in heaven today I celebrate the victory of Jesus my Lord. Victory over darkness, the grave and even death itself. I center my heart and my hope in Your resurrection life today in Jesus name. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 3:3 “But ____, O LORD, are a _______ around ___; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.”