His Law Brings Life Scripture Reading – Galatians 6:2 - 3 (NLT)

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.” 

If you were to call in to the church office any working day here these are the words that would meet your ears: ‘It’s a great day at SPA – For Life, how may I help you.’ And I must commend not only our excellent front office staff, but all of those who serve on the ministry team here at SPA as being those who not only speak out a spiffy phrase, but rather bring their hearts and lives into their service in details and most importantly of all people and the situations that cross their paths day in and day out. It is an honest and earnest giving of themselves in order to meet needs in Jesus name, which I believe brings a smile to the face of our Heavenly Father.

And as we consider the life journey of our Lord Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords – and how He poured out His life day in and day out in service, we understand from the text today that none of us are too important to bring a willing and helpful attitude to this world in giving our lives sacrificially for others in Jesus name.

The wonderful reality about the things that God commands us to do or not to do, is that, ‘His Law Brings Life’, not only to our inner person that eternal spirit man from which flows His power, but to those we are willing to help out, by bearing and sharing each other’s burdens.

We need to be careful with whom we unburden our hearts to, but God always will put people in our pathway that we can share with in confidence. And usually when this transpires, it becomes a two-way street where they confide in us things that we can lift up to the Father on their behalf also. And the more we do this in Jesus name, the more the Father’s grace shines through our lives, to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ our living and loving Savior and Lord. 

Prayer Father God, this is the Day You have made, and I will rejoice and be glad. Help me to be a burden bearer and burden sharer in this life, and glorify Jesus as I faithfully walk that out I pray in His wonderful name. 

Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Be _________ in all _____________, for this is God’s _____ for you who _______ to Christ _______.”