In Every Season Scripture Reading – Psalm 1:3b (NLT)

"...bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do." 

Almost everyone loves the time of the harvest season. And the reason is readily apparent. Recently while on a trip I was given a fresh from the tree bag of grapefruits. Now I am a lover of all kinds of fruits, including the grapefruit. However, I must confess that there is nothing like fruit, fresh off of the tree. None sweeter or juicier or any tastier than that.

For those of us who have the privilege of living in a place such as Edmonton with four wonderfully diverse seasons, we understand that fresh fruit in the natural is not always possible. And as good as that fruit from the supermarket looks, when you have known or tasted fruit fresh from the tree, there is simply no comparison.

But for each one of us that are the planting of the Lord, today's text reminds us that we by His grace and for His greater glory are always able to bear fresh fruit from our lives, 'In Every Season'. Although it is true that in those summer or harvest seasons of our lives we personally may find it easier to bring forth fruit. The promise is that even in the latter fall and late winter seasons as well as those desert places that the Lord takes us we also can and will bring forth fresh fruit. 

For the Source of our fruitfulness is not in ourselves after all, but rather by resting in the promise of Jesus our Lord. And in this living and vital connection we will never wither away on the outside, but will always be shining forth with His abundant life. And absolutely everything that we go through and put our hand to, as we give it to Jesus will bring a return to our lives, and flow out from us to others producing great spiritual dividends.

May these beginnings of Spring inspire new hope in our hearts and lives today! 

Prayer My Father in heaven, today I thank-You for being with me in each and every season of my life, leading, guiding, pruning and prospering me. Spirit of the living God, as I abide in Jesus may much fruit flow from me for Your greater glory I pray.

Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:18“Be _________ in all _____________, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”