Giving and Forgiving   Scripture Reading: Luke 6:37 - 38

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”  

Stop for a moment along with me my sister and brother and consider the fact that every one of us will have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ for personal examination of how we have lived our lives as His children. There the works that we have done and how we have conducted ourselves will pass under the holy fire of our living and loving Lord Jesus Chirst.

Every hidden motivation, every silent conversation, every business decision, every financial transaction will come into the light. How we thought of, treated and talked about others will be disclosed. With this knowledge we need heed these words of Jesus today and each day that God graces to us about, ‘Giving and Forgiving’.

One day God will judge us and make all things right. Until that great and final day, may we be people of grace, extending the same forgiveness that God freely gives us. Not living our lives with a judgmental attitude towards others, seeing ourselves as just a bit better than most. Certainly not speaking harshly about those who may be going through touch times, or have made the wrong choices. For if we choose to do this it will all come back to us, both in this life and most importantly in eternity.

If we choose to live our lives with an attitude of grace and gratitude, we actually will be people that have a heart not only to live, but to give and forgive. The promise of God is that as we give, He will see everything that we do, along with how we treat everyone, and God will reward us out of the vast storehouse of His abundant resources.

Not only will we receive back what we have given, but God Himself will press it down, and shake it together, so that more of His grace and blessings can be poured into our lives. Of course this is not only for ourselves, but in order that this bounty will overflow through us touching others with the grace of Jesus and making us the happiest and most satisfied people on this earth as we live our lives looking forward to our eternal reward.

How blessed are you today? God tells us that that amount of this we give is exactly the amount that we will get back.  

Prayer Father forgive me my sins I pray as I forgive those who sin against me. I choose not only to forgive others, but to live my life with an attitude of gratitude and giving. Continue to change me and make me more like Jesus that my life will overflow to the glory of God I ask in His holy name.  

Memory Verse: Romans 1:11 “For I long to visit you so I can ______ you some ___________ _____ that will _____ you grow strong in the Lord.”