Wait A Minute….Or Two! Scripture Reading: Psalm 27:13 - 14

“Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’S goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.” 

We live in such an instant microwave, microchip world, that spiritually can cause us problems at times if we do not remember the wisdom of His Word. I actually remember a day not so long ago when if one wanted to enjoy the tasty treat of popcorn, they would put oil into the bottom of a pan, heat it up with two or three kernels until they popped, put in enough to pop a bowl, do once or twice, melt the butter, add salt and enjoy (Actually try this out you will discover how real hot fresh popped and buttered popcorn tastes) Then came the evolution of the hot air popper, and now we are used to buying our popcorn in bags we stick in the microwave and they come out already salted, buttered and ready to enjoy in the pop up bowl! I don’t have time to talk about the instant of asking Goo instead if God.

However if we will work the discipline out in our lives to, ‘Wait A Minute….Or Two’,  we will discover the joys of life that only can come out of a living, breathing relationship with the Spirit of Christ. This will give us an unshakable confidence in life as we walk out the path that the Lord leads us through. It will cause us not only to have life, but truly to experience and express the abundance of live that only comes from knowing the living and loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Not only does God call on you and I to wait, but to do so patiently. If we will take Him up on this practice, there will come a bravery that only comes from being clothed in His glorious presence. In and through each and every season of our lives, the Holy Spirit will give us courage to fulfill the good, pleasing and perfect will of God our Father.

I am no different than you my brother and sister, I want things to be done when I want them to be done. But God is different completely, so hear His Word and wait….wait patiently, for they who endure until the end are the ones who will be saved! 

Prayer Heavenly Father, forgive me I pray when I have ran ahead of You and wanted my things, my way and right away if not sooner. Teach me I pray to wait upon You, trust You and patiently endure all things. For it is in this grateful surrender that You will lead me and use me in a greater measure to glorify Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord. I commit to this once again in His mighty name. 

Memory Verse: Philippians 3:12“I ________ on to _______ the end of the _____ and ________ the heavenly _______ for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.”