Faithful to Bless Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 7:9

“Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commandments.”

 I have at times come across Christians who are fearful that the sinfulness of their previous generations are somehow coming against them or their family line. Even worse I have heard some preachers teaching on the curses of God to the third and fourth generation. To be sure as His children we want to be those who follow hard after His ways. But we need to stop for a moment and understand the powerful truth that our God is, ‘Faithful to Bless’!

Yes, indeed my sister and brother it is God Himself who by grace has called you into fellowship with His Son our living and loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By that same grace you and I now belong to the church of the one true God that Jesus Himself is building and even the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against!

It is true that if we willfully choose to live a lifestyle of disobedience that there will be consequences for us, and even for those who follow after us. However, can you see the heart of our Father God once again today? He is faithful not only to keep His promises and bless us down to the third, fourth or even fifth generation – but to the thousands of generations to those of us who love, serve and fear the Lord!

As for the love of God that is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord, it is absolutely constant and unfailing. God does not hold back on His love towards any one of us, but He lavishes it upon us each and every day in Jesus precious name. Yes, it is true my friends that His mercies were brand new once again this morning, and they will be for you each and every day that God graces to you. What a motivator this is for you and I, those of us who He has adopted and called His very own daughters and sons, to love, honor and serve Him with all that we are and all that we have! 

Prayer Heavenly Father, I pray today that You will help me not only to understand the height, width, length and breadth of Your great love, but by Your grace that You will fill my heart with the knowledge of Your love. Not only to be filled, but that I may be overflowing in Your love, living in obedience to Your commandments and letting my light and life shine for others to discover the riches of Your grace, mercy and love through Jesus Christ my Lord I pray. 

Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24 ____ will _____ this _______, for he who ______ you is _________.”