Live It Up Scripture Reading: Titus 2:11 - 13

“For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.” 

There are only two pathways that are the reality of the human heart. One is a downward descent and deception which takes people away from God’s plan of salvation for a person’s life. The other is that pathway which the bible describes as the straight and narrow way that leads to everlasting life.

It is the matchless grace of God through our living and loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that has put us on this pathway and calls us to, ‘Live It Up’! We have been set free from the lies of the enemy who wants to destroy us and see our lives mired in a life without God and stuck in patterns of sin. Although we are called to live in this evil world, we are not called to live as the people of this age. Rather we are to ask God to fill us with His light, life and wisdom in order that our lives would speak to the reality of Jesus Christ our living and loving Savior and Lord.

For just as Christ Jesus came the first time, just as the Scriptures had declared, so He is coming again soon. In fact, my sister and brother today the return of the Lord Jesus is closer in HIStory than it even has been before. When He comes again, all of the glories of heaven and our eternal rewards will be revealed because of His great love.

Therefore, we are not those who are looking down, but rather are those who are looking up with the eternal hope that soon and very soon we are going to be seeing the King! He is only waiting that you and I, who belong to the church – His body and beautiful bride, will continue to make the Good News of the Gospel that Jesus saves, known here at home and even to the very ends of the earth. Maranatha….Jesus is coming soon! 

Prayer My Father in heaven how grateful I am for the instruction of the Word of God and the infilling and inspiration of the Holy Spirit working in my heart and life to lead me into Your paths of righteousness and faithfulness. Fill me full I pray that my light would shine as a testimony calling others to find life in the name of Jesus Christ my living and loving Lord and Savior I pray. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 51:12“_______ to ___ the____ of your __________, and make me ________ to obey you.”