Divine Put Ons Scripture Reading – Ephesians 4:31 - 32 (NLT)

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." 

I don't know if you are like me in this regard, but when you look in your clothes closet is there clothing that you once wore, but if you were to be honest, it's been years since you have and they are quite honestly worn out?

Even though I do make it at least a bi-annual habit to clean out my clothes closet, I must confess that there are still a few old items that quite honestly even as I write today simply need to go.

Whether you are like myself in that regard or not, spiritually through the precious blood of Christ Jesus on the cross God has purchased, 'Divine Put Ons', for you and I to wear each and every day that will properly distinguish ourselves as His daughters and sons.

And in Jesus name quite literally we need to stop and take a look at our lives in both attitudes (which people may not see, but God certainly does), and of course actions and cast aside those lesser things. Things like being angry at or blaming others - speaking about them usually when they are nowhere near to hear our words.

Thankfully God will not leave us naked when we get rid of these old ways, but will clothe us in beautiful garments that will bring greater glory to His name. This new designer wardrobe will work to forgive other people, even when we know they don't deserve it - and pray and believe the best for others.

As we make it our choice to live and love in this way, the Spirit of Christ will both fill us, flow through our lives touching others with His grace and love, and lead us all along the way. 

Prayer Thank-You Father for the new clothing that You have provided for me. Right now, spiritually I stop and ask You to help me to throw away those things that are old, worn out and do not glorify Your name. May Your love and forgiveness flow through my life touching others with Your great love, I pray through Jesus precious name and for His glory. 

Memory Verse:  Ephesians 4:3 NLT "Make every _______ to keep yourselves ________ in the _________, binding yourselves together with peace."