Overflowing Scripture Reading – Colossians 2:6 - 7 (NLT)

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." 

For every one of us who is in the church. I do not mean only in the church building on occasion or even with a measure of regularity. But I mean those who are in Christ Jesus, have had their sins forgiven, and are living in the Person and by the Spirit as opposed to being controlled by the flesh - we can remember the day that we received Christ Jesus as Lord, and were born again by the Spirit of God.

Today's text refers to that day as when you accepted Jesus Christ, which for myself even though I grew up in church and can see the hand of God on my life as a child and youth - really happened at 18 years of age. That my friends was only my, beginning of the new life that God had purposed for me.

Now some 38 years later, I must continue to follow the commands of Christ Jesus if indeed I am to know Him, grow in Him and show Him as I ought. This is accomplished by allowing our roots to go deeper into the teachings of God, and actually letting our day by day lives be shaped by Him. As Jesus so often put it... 'doing the will of my Father', is exactly what God is calling you and I to practice and make perfect.

When we by grace make those efforts, then we do grow strong, and in spite of the circumstances of our lives, which by the way in our journey will be both great - hard - and somewhere in between, we will not be shaped by these, but rather will be always, 'Overflowing' in a spirit of thanksgiving, which will be the best testimony to those who are around us that truly Jesus Christ is alive and well!  

Prayer Father I give myself to you once again today, and with my heart, mouth and yes life I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord. Holy Spirit lead me the way everlasting I pray through Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord. Amen. 

Memory Verse:  Ephesians 4:29b NLT "Let ____________ you say be good and __________, so that ______ words will be an ______________ to those who ______ them."