God's Harmony Scripture Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:17 - 20 (NLT)

"If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything? But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part!" 

It really would be strange if a person consisted of a big eye, or a big mouth (I mean only a mouth....smile), or even a big toe. Not only strange you would agree, but it would be no body whatsoever.

'God's Harmony', is that He has called people all over the world to come to Him through Christ Jesus and play in the symphony of the Gospel of His great and glorious news that Jesus Christ saves. And to be sure, we all need one another. In fact, if we think that we can stand or do it alone, we are really no body.

And the beauty of music is arrangement, point and counter point, and yes - harmony! This is the glorious attraction that we have when we join together as the body of Christ Jesus and play our part with the others that God has ordained to be with for His greater glory and the extension of His glorious Kingdom rule in the hearts of more people.

Don't ever think that you do not have a part to play, for Christ Jesus died in order that you would step up and take your place. Do not ever even think that you have done your part, or are too old to contribute, or that you do not have enough experience and are too young - not at all! God has given you a purpose to serve for as long as He gives you breath, or until Christ Jesus calls us to Himself with the trumpet call and we all rise up to meet Him in the air along with all of the other members of His body worldwide, forever to be with the Lord!

The more that we practice our part, and contribute to the body of Christ, the more beautiful the sound of the music of the Good News of the Gospel will be, and the more that people will come not only to discover life in Christ Jesus, but the wonderful truth that God has a part for them to play too, which will even make the harmony that much richer. 

Prayer Father, I rejoice in the life that I have in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit use me to make beautiful music for Jesus with the gifts you have given me. I thank-You for the diversity in the body of Christ and pray that we would function well for the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord. .

Memory Verse:  Ephesians 4:29b NLT "Let ____________ you say be good and __________, so that ______ words will be an ______________ to those who hear them."