Be A Barnabas   Scripture Reading – Acts (NLT)

"For instance, there was Joseph, the one the apostles nicknamed Barnabas (which means, 'Son of Encouragement). He was from the tribe of Levi and came from the island of Cyprus. He sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles."  

Nicknames can be both a bane or a blessing depending on the character of the character if you know what I mean. In this case because of the godly nature of Joseph as a person who was an over the top encourager, the apostles gave him the matching name. In fact, most of us who know Joseph at all through the Bible, remember him best for his nickname.

You really would have to have a positive uplook and outlook to encourage the other apostles to allow this guy Saul of Tarsus into the inner circle - especially since he had spent his life chasing down and killing other Christians, but that's exactly what Barnabas did.

One may think that when Barnabas' cousin John Mark had a difficult time on a ministry trip and had to go home that when Barnabas encouraged the former Christian killer to give him a second chance that Paul may just do that, especially remembering how he came into the inner circle himself. But unfortunately Paul did not and they parted company for a time. Later on though, Paul did recognize the amazing potential for ministry in John Mark, and not only recommended him to others, but asked for John Mark to be sent to comfort and minister to him, which is exactly what that servant of God did.

I trust that as you think about how God has encouraged you in the Holy Spirit and in Christ Jesus, and also choose to remember the many people who have poured into your life in positive ways that you will want to be an encourager too! So when you run along a person or a situation that needs a lift, go ahead and in Jesus name, 'Be A Barnabas'. You will love the nicknames that result, and really love the smile it brings to the face of Jesus, and your Father in heaven too!  

Prayer Heavenly Father help me I pray to be empowered by the Encourager, the precious Holy Spirit in order to lift up and strengthen others in Jesus precious name.

Memory Verse:  Matthew 5:15 NLT "In the same way, let your ______ deeds ______ out for all to _____, so that ___________ will praise your heavenly _________.”