What Did YOU Say? Scripture Reading – Matthew 12:36 - 37 (NLT)

"And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you." 

Words are such a powerful thing are they not? The bible says that, God sent His Word and healed them. When you think that our Lord Jesus Christ is called the Living Word, that further gives us a further indication of the importance of our words. Also the earth and all that was created including you and I were spoken into existence. We are even told that we are able to ask and pray for anything in His will and God will hear and answer us.

I am sure that any one of us can remember someone who has spoken an unkind or unkind words to us, and the hurt and pain that brings. The verse, sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me is certainly not true. In fact, experts tell us that it takes at least 2 positive words to undo the damage of 1 negative. In the case of married couples, it is 5 to 1. So for those of us in the body and bride of Christ I would adopt the latter for our considerations today.

We also can remember those who have poured (like God did to us in Christ Jesus) words of life, healing, forgiveness and blessing into our lives. These are  exactly the kinds of words that God is calling us to lift up in Jesus name.

Today's text reminds us as children of God that each and every word we speak we will be held accountable for. Notice not the words that we think, or even those that may be on the tips of our tongue, but those that we allow into the air. We will not be judged for the words that other people speak to or even about us, but rather for the words that we allow to pass through our lips especially to the hearing of others.

Therefore, it is wise to ask ourselves the question, 'What did YOU say', even before we allow those words to roll off of our tongues. When we make the choice to use our lips and words for building and blessing, we will be astonished at what God will be able to do through our faithfulness.

Prayer Lord, heal me I pray from words that have hurt me - I choose to forgive anyone who has spoken any hurts over my life. Holy Spirit, use me to speak words of healing, life, blessing and faith and guard my lips against speaking evil, I ask for and through the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  Matthew 5:15 NLT "In the same way, let your ______ deeds ______ out for all to _____, so that ___________ will praise your heavenly Father.”