Softer Lord Scripture Reading – Ezekiel 36:26 - 27 (NLT)

"And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations." 

We all know what happens when there is a hardening of the arteries around the heart that impedes the necessary blood flow into your life pump. If it cannot be addressed either by diet, medication, heart transplant or divine healing - you are dead!

The same is true spiritually. Before coming to Jesus Christ, we were ruled by our flesh and did what was pleasing according to our human understanding! The Bible describes this kind of an unregenerate heart, as good as it may look as, stony, stubborn, hard and unresponsive. Certainly leading to spiritual death.

The heart we have been given by the grace of Jesus Christ is governed by the Person of the Holy Spirit, Who always glorifies Jesus Christ and the Father. Now we are no longer governed by ourselves, but rather by the Spirit, resulting in our living lives that are pleasing to God the Father.

But just as in real life, certain things can affect the health of our hearts - so is the same true spiritually. When things in life just don't seem fair, or God seems distant, or perhaps even sickness or tragedy touches our lives - we need to guard our hearts in order to keep spiritually strong. If people let us down or disappoint us, or even if we honestly feel disappointed with God because of certain things in our own lives, it is best to be honest with Him and receive help, since He looks at us from the inside out anyway.

A good prayer to often pray from the heart as we run this marathon of faith in Christ Jesus is, 'Softer Lord'. As we make this our head and heart posture, the flow of the Spirit will be free to impart spiritual life both to us and through us. 

Prayer Father right now I confess Jesus Christ is my Lord, Master and I will serve Him with all of my heart. Holy Spirit, soften my heart I pray in Jesus precious name - make me aware of the things that make me crusty and hard, and make me a conduit for Your blessing I pray. 

Memory Verse:  Matthew 5:15 NLT "In the same way, let your ______ deeds ______ out for all to _____, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”