Gaining Respect Scripture Reading – 1Thessalonians 4:11 - 12 (NLT)

"Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others." 

Sometimes when we think about setting goals for our future, the first instruction in today's text is the furthest from one's mind. However, when we stop and think about these wise words, like quietness and confidence for a moment such a plan is very progressive indeed.

Many of us would quickly be able to identify people who are anything but quiet. Always having their own opinions (and always right of course in their eyes) and willing to go where even angels fear to tread in poking their noses into the business of others. Most of us who are familiar with such people would never for a moment even think about sharing a confidence with them, as we know almost as soon as it came into their hearing that it would go down the grapevine in world record time.

However, as we choose to mind our own business, and couple that with making it our business to be hard workers, serving our employers as we would serve the Lord - people will take note. Not only Christian people, but even those who have yet to come to a living faith in Christ Jesus will become aware that indeed you are a trustworthy individual, even one they would recommend to someone else. 

To set such a worthy goal will enable you to be one who is constantly, 'Gaining Respect' from others. And as God blesses your life you will not need to be looking to, or blaming others for that matter for your lot in life - but others will actually look to you for leadership and advice, and that will be yet another opportunity to let your light shine and bring them one step closer to Jesus. 

Prayer Father, I thank-You today for Your promise to be with me as I look to You. I do pray that my light and life would shine in this world as one who has been touched by Your grace. I ask these mercies for the glory of Jesus my Lord. 

Memory Verse:  Matthew 5:15 NLT "In the same way, let your ______ deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”