All Your Might Scripture Reading – 2 Samuel 6:14 - 15 (NLT)

"And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams' horns." 

Most of us are familiar with the words of Jesus where He told us that we are to love God with all our heart....soul....mind....and strength. I think in North America we are particularly comfortable with the heart concept - since that is between God and me, and no-one else can really see that. The other area we are very open to is loving God with our minds, where we are able to express our thoughts and even opinions in what we consider to be a reasonable, correct or even acceptable to us.

However, I think that when it comes to loving God with our soul, or our emotions, many of us do not feel comfortable considering that as an expression for the 'mature'. The same may be the case with loving Him with all of our strength.

However, for David on this joyous day of returning the Ark to Jerusalem, all of these areas were in full operation. And the people looked to His leadership as He praised God and danced before Him with all of his might. The result was an all-encompassing expression of joy at the works and wonders of God from everyone.

Well, almost everyone....for David's wife Michal rebuked David for 'worshipping' God in such a 'vulgar' fashion in her not so humble opinion. Unfortunately, this assessment resulted in barrenness for Michal for the rest of her days. The same is true of many who like to make commentaries on what kind or manner of worship is acceptable to God....little, joy or life is most often the result.

Rather, may we rather be like David, when we come together to worship Jesus, why not do it with... 'All Your Might'. Not to put on a show, but rather in the fullness of your expression of love to God. When we do that, the result will be an overwhelming sense of joy and praise in the house of God.

Prayer Father in Heaven, forgive me I pray when I have looked at how others worship You, and made my assessment of what is acceptable in Your sight. Help me to worship You as I should, spreading the joy of Jesus to those around me, I pray in His name. 

Memory Verse:  Matthew 5:15 NLT "In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”