Much Easier   Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:28 - 30

"Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  

There are times, tests and seasons of life that everyone goes through this side of heaven, no matter if they are a child of God, or have yet to receive His grace through a faith relationship with Jesus. What should be the biggest difference between those of us who know Him, and those who have yet come to know Him is that we should be giving our burdens to Jesus.

All of us face the same kinds of challenges: sickness in our lives or those of our family members, stresses at the job place or needing to find new employment, set backs in the business world, struggles or failures in relationships, challenges in our education, the sometimes overwhelming needs that surround all of us….just to name a few.

Of course we can be tempted as children of God like everyone else just to take on one or more of these things all on our own. But I love the open ended invitation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in today’s text. He does not say, ‘Come’, to only some or even a select few people, but leaves the door wide open for any and all to come to Him. The promise is that He will give rest to everyone who comes, no matter what the size or even duration of the situation is, because He is both willing and able to do it!

The point is that you and I need to be honest and humble enough to admit our need of Jesus in each and every area of our lives, all of the time, rather than trying to carry the load ourselves. True, we can carry it because of the way in which God has created us. But it will be, ‘Much Easier’, when we exchange our heavy baggage and burden’s with the One who will come right into the yoke with us.

While we will still have to carry a burden along with our living and loving Lord Jesus Christ, it will be much lighter, and lead us along the Way that He has purposed and planned for our lives. That pathway of blessing which leads to the overflowing life for which Christ came, lived, died and rose again to provide to all of us!  

Prayer Father I come once again today in the name of Jesus Christ and invite Him into my life. I exchange any burdens that I have been trying to manage all by myself and receive His promise which is much lighter. Use me today and every day to lift up and encourage my brothers and sisters to do the same I pray in Jesus mighty name. Amen!  

Memory Verse: Psalm 118:29 “____ ______ to the _____, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”