Peace Out Scripture Reading – 1 Thessalonians 5:12 - 13  (NLT)

"Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord's work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and whole-hearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other." 

I have such a fond appreciation for each and every one of the Pastors who by the grace of God I was able to sit under their ministry. I must truthfully confess that each one of them have imparted their hearts and lives into mine. Mine was always a posture of prayer and petition for them, their ministries and their families, prior to my answering the call to go into Pastoral ministry myself.

When I have been asked by some thinking that they may want to become what some call, 'full time' in ministry, or pastoral work, I have often replied, 'Don't go into the ministry, unless you cannot do anything else'. Not meaning that a person does not have the talents/capacities or abilities to do anything else, but exactly meaning that the ministry is not ever a job, but it is a calling from God. And it is only that calling from God that will both sustain you and see His success flow through your life for the greater glory of God.

It is in this posture that today's text exhorts and encourages us to pray for those who are serving the body in these positions. I have found in my years of living and serving in the church of God that those sisters and brothers who are able to, 'Peace Out' - meaning to exhibit the peace of God to others in all kinds of divers circumstances are the ones who assume such a stance of praise to God for their leaders.

Flowing out of such a prayer life and practice interestingly enough comes the ability to live at peace with one another. What a testimony to the precious price that Christ Jesus paid to redeem our lives, that we can live in love, attracting others to taste and see that, yes, our Lord indeed He is good! 

Prayer Heavenly Father, I rejoice in those who have responded to Your call to serve you in full time service. I pray for them that You will strengthen, sustain and support them as they live out Your will in their lives. I pray for Christians in churches to be in this posture that the peace of God will flow from our lives for the greater glory of Jesus, in His holy name. 

Memory Verse:  Philippians 4:5 NLT "Let __________ see that ____ are ____________ in ____ you ___.”